But we have been so very busy with getting the new wsoapp.org up and going. Last nigh at 3:40 am, after we dotted the I's and crossed the T's in the site and after we got off the phone with the last group member in helping to set up their shop...I pulled out a cup of hot chai tea,( I don't drink) , cut the little ribbon I tied across the computer screen on my desk....and went to bed. I have to say WOW! WOW! WOW! to all of our WSOAPP "groupies". You guys have all pulled together and helped to make this one of the most enjoyable and amazing experiences for me. I have now chatted with nearly all of you on the phone and a few of you constantly by email and I have never felt so close to a group of folks....and I mean it from the bottom of my heart. We have all expressed the same ideas and goals for the group and the site and based upon your suggestions, we are going to be implementing quite a few new ideas, not just in the website, but in the group itself. Many Hugs to all of you for helping me pull through a dark time and get this show on the road!!!!!!
And a great big thanks to CJ for writing our promo blurb, we will be posting this one EVERYWHERE: